.:: Please Pray ::.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Please pray for my lecturer, Prof Ab Razak Kamaruddin. He has infection in the lungs. Its already about 3 weeks since he was in ICU. Terkejut sangat once I was told that he was sick and he was in ICU. The most kind-hearted and the best lecturer I ever met. Lecturer yang sporting. And the most important things are he always help his students to understand what he teaches in class.

-Prof ajar kami Logistic-

And now, his kidney fail to function and he was in critical state. Worried. Seek help from HIM. Du'a. 

Prof, kami sentiasa doakan semoga Prof cepat sembuh dan kembali berkhidmat dekat UMP. Kuatkan semangat ye Prof. Allah..please let our Prof stay strong. Terlalu banyak jasa Prof pada kami. Ilmu yg Prof bg pd kami. 

Let's pray for our lecturer, Prof Razak. There's nothing we can do to make him back to normal but Allah can. Du'a is our weapon. If we can't help through physical, let's make Du'a. The only and the really only one way to help him, let's pray for his health. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak akan memberi ujian kepada hambaNYA dengan ujian yang hambaNYA tak mampu nak tempuhi. Our Prof was so strong as he can fight his disease until today. Allah..please save our Prof.

Please pray for him. Only Allah can repay your precious Du'a for him. 

-When Allah inspires your tongue to ask, know that HE wants to give-


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