.:: With Love ::.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Allah SWT would never put you in a situation that you can't handle. Have faith.
Sometimes HE give us a situation that we can't go through. Believe, if Allah put us in that situation, even in the most worst situation, HE know you can face it. Even with tears.
Lebih-lebih lagi bila berurusan dengan manusia kan? Even a simple thing can be the most complicated problem. They are human. Kita pun sama. Tapi apa yang membezakan kita semua? Hati. Boleh beza tak orang yang letakkan Allah dalam hati dia dengan orang yang letakkan nafsu dalam hati dia?
Kenapa ada orang yang sentiasa tersenyum bila ditimpa masalah walau seberat lori bertan-tan dan kenapa ada orang yang mudah putus asa bila masalah yang penyelesaiannya hanya memerlukan kesabaran dan usaha? Kenapa ada orang yang tenang siapkan kerja yang tinggi menggunung dan kenapa ada orang yang sentiasa merungut kerja banyak padahal boleh selesai jika diatur dengan baik? Kenapa ada orang yang yakin dengan Allah, janji Allah tapi kenapa ada orang yang lebih suka membelakangkan Allah bila membuat keputusan?
Hati. Hati kita Allah punya. Allah pegang. Jika tenang hati kita, alhamdulillah. Jika gundah gulana, muhasabah. Allah sedang mengajar keyakinan kepadaNYA.
"Wahai Tuhan yang membolak balikkan hati kami, tetapkanlah hati kami ke atas agamaMU dan mentaatiMU"
If you feel alone, turn to HIM.If you sad, turn to HIM. If there is no one around you when you need them most, turn to HIM. HE is the one that you really need most. Sometimes Allah puts wrong people in your life, just to make you realize, hold to only HIM.
Yes, we have a lot of sin. Shame. Allah SWT, The Almighty, HE will forgive you. See? Even a human have a limit to forgive someone but not HIM. Repent. Don't cry over your past but cry over your sins because Allah is there for you. HE will give you calmness. HE will hear whatever you wanna say. HE is there. And HE will forgive you. InsyaAllah.
If you are having a hard time, believe that Allah are just testing your Iman. Whether you will turn to HIM or still turn your back to HIM. Have faith. If you want rainbow, you also need rain right? If Allah takes something that are the most precious thing or person in your life, HE will replace it with something much more better. Just us. Realize or not. Because we keep blame HIM for what happen to us. And what we do until now? Keep blaming.
- Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay. Allah is always here, right?-
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