.:: Pesan kat dia ::.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dear my future zauj,
I don't know why I keep thinking of you.
I don't know who are you.
I don't know where are you right now.
I just know that Allah has written that you'll be my Imam one day.
Alhamdulillah. I'm was born in Islam.
Ya, I admit.
Islam is perfect. Syumul.
But I'm not.
I'm still searching for HIS love.
And I am not perfect.
I'm still learning.
To be perfect muslimah.
The day that's Allah has been destined for us to meet each other.
And on that's time, I still not perfect.
Please accept me for who I am.
Be my Imam.
And bring me Jannah. Oh our family too.
Please be patience with my behavior.
Please accept all my weaknesses.
Please accept all my past.
Love my parents as they are yours.
So do I.
Read Quran for me.
When I am too busy with duniawi,
Remind me about HIM.
Lead me to HIS way.
Ask me to do Qiamullail with you.
I'm afraid.
One thing.
I don't know how our love story will be.
But I know.
Allah has written the most beautiful yet lovely love story for us.
Until then, be patience.
Before we meet each other.
Let's improve ourselves.
Get ready for tomorrow.
That Allah has planned for us.
Be strong. Be patience.
Du'a. The powerful weapon.
Don't forget to pray.
For too much demand. :D
Until we meet one day.
May Allah set our Iman.
Jaga hati. Jaga Iman.
Dijauhkan daripada godaan Syaitan.
Dan yang penting.
Jangan jatuh cinta dgn orang lain ye selain saya.
Cintakan Allah sahaja ye. :D
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